Dr. Siddiqui Office/ Lab- Progress December 2015

The outside of the building is almost complete. Sitework is done, landscaping is being installed and some painting needs to be completed. Inside the building a lot of things are taking place. Flooring is being installed, walls are painted, ceiling tiles are in, lights are on and the air is blowing. Carpenters are putting the finishing touches on the recessed ceiling and reception wainscoting. The building is schedule to be completed in January.

The outside of the building is almost complete. Sitework is done, landscaping is being installed and some painting needs to be completed.Inside the building a lot of things are taking place. Flooring is being installed, walls are painted, ceiling tiles are in, lights are on and the air is blowing. Carpenters are putting the finishing touches on the recessed ceiling and reception wainscoting. The building is schedule to be completed in January.